No. Title Date
61 Elmer Smith
62 John Lamb
63 O.C. (Commodore) Bland
64 Eleven I.W.W. Defendants
65 Sheriff John Berry and Tom Morgan
66 thetrial002 - Trial Opens in Montesano, Washington
67 parts of bullet found in Grimm - Evidence Presented at the Trial
68 Trial Opens in Montesano, Washington
69 Evidence Presented at the Trial
70 bullet & jacket from Grimm's head - Evidence Presented at the Trial
71 parts of bullet found in McElfresh - Evidence Presented at the Trial
72 rifles and handguns from IWW - Evidence Presented at the Trial
73 bullet taken from Grimm's head - Evidence Presented at the Trial
74 fingerprints - Evidence Presented at the Trial
75 fingerprint - Evidence Presented at the Trial
76 Wanted Poster Paste Up
77 Telegram from Eugene Barnett
78 Centralia Before the Court: A First Hand Report from Montesano
79 State vs. Smith et al - No. 16354, Supreme Court of Washington, April 14, 1921
80 Downtown Centralia - Grand Theatre