No. Title Date
41 1919 12-10 Mooney's Lawyer to Defend Wobblies / C.D. Cunningham Will Direct Trial of I.W.W.
42 1919 12-13 Wobblies Make Appeal for Funds for Defence
43 State of Washington vs 13 Defendants
44 Newspaper reporters cover the Centralia trial
45 Leaving the Courthouse
46 Judge Wilson on the Bench
47 C.D. Cunningham Surveys the Court
48 Jury in the Courtroom
49 Seven Convicted Wobblies
50 Wanted Poster - Confidential to Officers
51 Jury Poses for the Camera
52 Leaving the Courthouse
53 Eugene Barnett
54 James McInerney
55 Ole Hanson
56 Bert Bland
57 Mike Sheehan
58 Britt Smith
59 Ray Becker
60 Loren Roberts