Kiro TV Spotlights the New Chance Program

Material Information

Kiro TV Spotlights the New Chance Program
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Workforce Training Programs
New Chance Program


General Note:
Program secretary and computer instructor Jeanne Gordon looks on as Chris Legeros, a reporter from Seattle's Kiro 7 television, interviews a student in the college's New Chance Program; this program was initiated in January of 1995 by president Dr. Hank Kirk and dean of instruction, Bill Taylor to mitigate the Lewis County area's high unemployment rate; Employment House Bill 1988 and Federal Timber Retraining Bill funds were directed through New Chance programs for displaced workers in community colleges; the first class got underway October 15, 1993 with an enrollment of 29 and at graduation, 18 students completed the College's first New Chance cycle.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
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All rights reserved Centralia College.

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