New Gymnasium 20080515001 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937

Material Information

New Gymnasium 20080515001 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Centralia High School Building (razed 1971)


General Note:
During the year 1925, C.L. Littel, Superintendent, helped to establish the first junior college in Washington state. Under the direction of Miss Margaret Corbet, the college was housed on the third floor of the high school building. (Centralia has the distinction of having the oldest continuously operating [junior] community college in the State of Washington.) In 1936 a new high school gymnasium was completed on property which previously had been purchased by the Centralia School District, at the southwest corner of Iron and Walnut Streets. A brick annex had been built on the northeast corner. A residence which had housed home economics classes was removed to make room for the gym. This house was moved to midway between Pear and Plum Streets on South Iron for use as a men's residence hall for junior college students. It was later sold. The gymnasium was remodeled in 1971, and beginning in the Spring of 2008, is once again undergoing a major renovation. These photos were included in the 1937 "Student Life at Centralia High School." They include the front entrance of the high school, faculty members (many whom taught college classes), and construction and completion of the new gymnasium
Student Life at Centralia High School, Skookum WA, 1937

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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