20070725002 - Rotaract Club 1995

Material Information

20070725002 - Rotaract Club 1995
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Clubs and Organizations


General Note:
Formerly known as the Business Management Association, photos taken at various events on campus of members of the Rotaract Club; advisor was Bob Leingang; two members identified as Scott Nolan, 1994-95 ASCC President and Michele Geist; Rotoract was founded in 1968 by Rotary International, a worldwide association of service minded business and professional leaders. Every Rotoract member is a part of the district Rotary organization, receiving support from local Rotarians, and participates at the international level through Rotary international projects. Rotoract is an organization of students who believe they can make a difference through community and international service projects. Centralia College Rotoract members volunteer at many community and charitable events, helping to raise funds for worthy projects and assisting in areas of need. In doing so, they develop leadership skills, professional skills and establish a network of friends and business associates that can help them a great deal in their career. The Centralia College Rotoract club adopted its Constitution and by laws on January 31, 1995, making history by becoming the first Rotoract club in the state of Washington. The Rotoract club is jointly sponsored by the Centralia, Chehalis and Twin Cities Rotary Clubs (District 5020).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

Centralia Membership

Centralia College