Leslie Rowe

Material Information

Leslie Rowe


Subjects / Keywords:


General Note:
Photograph of Leslie Rowe, economics teacher at Centralia College; background appears to be a photographic projection judging from the year of the cars on the street, a photo perhaps taken during one of her many trips abroad; students in her economics classes during her 26 years at Centralia College (1969 to 1995), after they adjusted to having a professor well under 4 feet tall, soon learned she was an outstanding teacher -- highly knowledgeable, organized, able to express a complicated subject in terms they understood, and much caring for students; she was one of the founders of the college's Summer Studies Abroad program; Leslie died September 12, 2003 at the age of 64

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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