Britt Smith

Material Information

Britt Smith
Publication Date:


General Note:
A native of Bucoda and I.W.W. union secretary. Britt Smith rented the I.W.W. hall in the Roderick Hotel in 1919 where he set up living quarters. Initially, the body of lynched Wesley Everest was mistakenly identified as Britt Smith. It is generally believed that Britt Smith was the target of the men who removed Wesley Everest from jail and lynched him. Smith was convicted of second degree murder and served 13 years in prison until his parole in 1933. He died in the 1960's.
From the private collection of Eleanor Walden, Berkeley, California.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Eleanor Walden, personal collection donated to Centralia College, Kirk Library, 2010.

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