Eugene Barnett

Material Information

Eugene Barnett
Publication Date:


General Note:
Eugene Barnett left prison on May 27, 1931 and was the second of the convicted I.W.W. prisoners to be released, initially so he could go to Idaho to be with his ailing wife. Barnett wrote several poems while in prison and a song entitled "Wallowa Love," dedicated to his wife. After his release from prison he sold copies of this sheet music for 35 cents in an effort to raise money for his wife's medical care. On December 26, 1931 he was granted a "Christmas parole" along with O.C. (Commodore) Bland.
From the private collection of Eleanor Walden, Berkeley, California.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Eleanor Walden, personal collection donated to Centralia College, Kirk Library, 2010.

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