Warren Grimm's Funeral

Material Information

Warren Grimm's Funeral
Publication Date:


General Note:
Thousands lined the streets of Centralia for the funeral procession of Lt. Warren O. Grimm. It was held at the Presbyterian Church and presided over by Rev. H.W. Thompson. Warren Grimm's body was then taken to a hall where it lay in state beside those of Arthur McElfresh, Ben Cassagranda, and Dale Hubbard. The Chronicle reports that along the line of march were sentries with loaded rifles who also paced about the auditorium itself.
From the private collection of Eleanor Walden, Berkeley, California.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Eleanor Walden, personal collection donated to Centralia College, Kirk Library, 2010.

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