Roderick Hotel after the Tragedy

Material Information

Roderick Hotel after the Tragedy
Publication Date:


General Note:
After being refused space at several locations in Centralia, the I.W.W. moved into this hall in the Roderick Hotel in September 1919. Located at 807 Tower Ave. between 2nd and 3rd streets, the Roderick Hotel is seen here probably a day or two after gunfire erupted from inside this building. Legionnaires allegedly stormed the I.W.W. offices inside the hotel and were met with gunfire that eventually killed four men. This photo shows the broken door and windows while men from the community appear to be investigating. An awning that ran the width of the building below the rooms was also destroyed.
From the private collection of Eleanor Walden, Berkeley, California.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Eleanor Walden, personal collection donated to Centralia College, Kirk Library, 2010.

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