1989 11-22 Centralia's Secret: For 70 Years Townsfolk Have Been Quiet About the Armstice Day Massacre

Material Information

1989 11-22 Centralia's Secret: For 70 Years Townsfolk Have Been Quiet About the Armstice Day Massacre
Duncan, Don ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
One in a series of stories by Seattle Times staff writer Don Duncan in celebration of Washington State Centennial, this article is dedicated to the Centralia Massacre as seen through the eyes of the townsfolk almost 70 years after the incident.
Seattle Times (The), January 22, 1989, Section K, front page

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright permission on file.

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Centralia Massacre