2001 11-15, Tragedy Series Touches a Nerve / Event So Controversial, Name Disputed

Material Information

2001 11-15, Tragedy Series Touches a Nerve / Event So Controversial, Name Disputed
Mittge, Brian ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
In the final issue of a 5-part series on the Centralia Massacre, describes the response from readers, including Bill Tracy, Judy Delaney, James Smith, Dorothy Smith, Hamlet Hilpert, Don Bradshaw, Mike Garrison, Jack Cunningham, and other unidentified contributors. A second article speaks to the controversy over what the events of November 11, 1919 should be officially called.
Chronicle (The), November 15, 2001

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright The Chronicle. The College has received permission to post all Centralia College- and murals-related Chronicle articles for educational and nonprofit use only.

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