1981 05-24 Union Radicals Defended in 60-year old Murder Case: They Were Framed

Material Information

1981 05-24 Union Radicals Defended in 60-year old Murder Case: They Were Framed
Shinoff, Paul (staff writer) ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
Market Research Analyst Don Capron, studying for an advanced degree at San Francisco State's University's business school, investigates the Centralia Massacre. His interviews include Alice Barnett Waxstock, Esther Barnett Robertson, sister and daughter of Eugene Barnett, one of the imprisoned Wobblies, IWW survivor Joe Murphy, and Eleanor Walden, Wobbly researcher.
San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle (The), p. 16, Section A, May 24, 1981

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright permission on file.

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Centralia Massacre