Yearbook 1961; Trailblazer

Material Information

Yearbook 1961; Trailblazer
Publication Date:


General Note:
Administration; Faculty and Staff; Nursing; Night Classes; Student Government (Council and ASB Officers); Phi Theta Kappa(PTK); Sophomores; Freshmen; Associated Women's Students (AWS); Circle K; Ski Club; Drama Club; Forestry Club; Radio Club; Basketball; Baseball; Track; Tennis; Golf; Hockey; Intramurals; Women's Recreational Association; Pep Staff; Music (Choir, Band, Sextette, Soloists); Blazer Beat; Trailblazer Staff; Forensics (Phi Rho Pi); Drama

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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Centralia College