20090507044 - Reach for the Stars

Material Information

20090507044 - Reach for the Stars
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Washington Hall (2001-)
Centralia College Foundation


General Note:
These miniatures of the lifesize "Reach for the Stars" bronze sculpture that greets students, faculty, and visitors at the entrance to Washington Hall, were created by Jim Stafford. The college commission local artist Stafford to create the miniatures and the lifesize original which represents a youth readhing for the stars. Stafford created this sculpture as a tribute to his son, Chris, a former Centralia College student who was born with a terminal disease called Friedreich's Ataxia. Chris Stafford died in 1995 at age 23 from complications of the disease, but throughout his life he never stopped striving for and achieving his best. Supporters who contributed at least $25,000 to the Foundation's Reach for the Stars capital campaign received one of the miniatures.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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