20080703005 - Old Army Barracks - Bargain Of A Lifetime

Material Information

20080703005 - Old Army Barracks - Bargain Of A Lifetime
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General Note:
Purchased in 1949 for $100 from Fort Lewis, these old army barracks became a mainstay on Centralia College's campus for almost 60 years. Originally located on the corner of S. Rock and W. Locust, it was moved in 1960 to the corner of S. Rock and W. Walnut when the Student Center was constructed. In its new location until 1975, it was used by the Electronics program. In 1975 it became the Student Activities building and became known as the "Mushroom." In 1989, it was moved again to the field next to Ehret Hall and was renamed Batie Science Center until 2007, when it was removed to make room for the new Science building.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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