70th Anniversary Celebration - Unveiling a Work of Art

Material Information

70th Anniversary Celebration - Unveiling a Work of Art
Publication Date:


General Note:
In preparation for the college's 70th anniversary celebration, Gerard Tsutakawa's art "Crosscut" is placed on campus grounds, east of the Library's main entrance. This sculpture was commissioned in 1994 by the Art in Public Places Program from funds generated by building the new Library and remodel of the Professional Technology Center. This slab of old growth symbolizes the county's past prosperity, which is rooted in logging. The window looks into a Library classroom and represents of the future of this area based on our ability to make a transition from logging to new technology. Pictured are Jack Bonagofski, Gerard Tsutakawa and others putting the sculpture in place; Steve Ward, Rich Henry, and Blaine Nisson participate in the unveiling

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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