20070614052 - Picnic on the Battlefield -Theatre Department Production

Material Information

20070614052 - Picnic on the Battlefield -Theatre Department Production
Publication Date:


General Note:
Photos taken during the production of the play "Picnic on the Battlefield; " Jerry Barton appears on three of the photos; others are unidentified; "Picnic on the Battlefield" is a tragicomedy written in 1953 by the young Fernando Arrabal, an artist and political activist, about a young soldier's parents who decide the battlefield is a perfect place to visit their son and have a pleasant family picnic. They soon capture an enemy soldier and invite him to lunch in a lighthearted atmosphere that suggests a playground rather than a trench.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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