Centralia College 1925-1975: 50 Years of Growing

Material Information

Centralia College 1925-1975: 50 Years of Growing
Kemp, Katharine ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
Centralia College 1925-1975: 50 Years of Growing, written by long-time faculty member and Dean of Women, Katharine Kemp, is a history of Centralia College's first 50 years; edited and compiled by Gordon Aadland and Rodney Enos; Chapter I: The Beginning Years; Chapter II: The Depression Years; Chapter III: The War and Post-war Decade; Chapter IV: A Home of Its Own; Chapter V: The Emergence of the State System; Chapter VI: Education Leaders of the College; Chapter VII: Excerpts from the Annuals; Chapter VIII; 50th Anniversary Commemoration; Appendix A: Faculty and Staff Listings; Appendix B: Associated Students - Presidents; Appendix C: Board of Trustee Members; Appendix D: Enrollments and Graduates; Carrol Hill (printing); Linda Haunreiter (photoprocessing, pasteup, collating); Vince Ryland (cover art); Davis McElroy (typesetting); Peggy Urstad (collating); Pat Williams (layout, pasteup)

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All rights reserved Centralia College.

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