1919 11-12 Four in Centralia Parade Killed by I.W.W.; Assassination Plot Exposed by Confession; Mob Storms Jail and Hangs Leader of Reds

Material Information

1919 11-12 Four in Centralia Parade Killed by I.W.W.; Assassination Plot Exposed by Confession; Mob Storms Jail and Hangs Leader of Reds
Publication Date:


General Note:
Headlines read, "Four in Centralia Parade Killed by I.W.W. - Assassination Plot Exposed by confession - Mob Storms Jail and Hangs Leader of Red," as the Post-Intelligencer devotes most of its front page to the events in Centralia on November 11, 1919; the article mistakenly identifies the hanged man as Britt (Brick) Smith.
Post-Intelligencer (The), November 12, 1919

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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