1919 11-14 Ten Accused of Murder

Material Information

1919 11-14 Ten Accused of Murder
Publication Date:


General Note:
Three days after the massacre, murder charges are brought against T.C. Morgan, Britt Smith, Ray Becker, J.H. McInerney, Bert Bland, Commodore O.C. Bland, J. H. Lamb, Loren Roberts, Faulkner, and Eugene Barnett. The front page also includes a resolution of condolence for those killed on November 11, and a headline proclaiming that the state will ride itself of seditionists.
Centralia Daily Chronicle (The), November 14, 1919

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright The Chronicle. The College has received permission to post all Centralia College- and murals-related Chronicle articles for educational and nonprofit use only.

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