1919 11-12 Four Die From Wounds, Posses Searching for I.W.W.

Material Information

1919 11-12 Four Die From Wounds, Posses Searching for I.W.W.
Publication Date:


General Note:
Headline reads "Four Die From Wounds, Posses Searching for I.W.W.: Congressman Johnson Sends Message," focuses on the death of Warren O. Grimm and the search of I.W.W. members and the names of those already captured, including lawyer Elmer Smith and former Seattle Union Record agent Tom Lassiter.
General Note:
Centralia Daily Chronicle (The), November 12, 1919

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright The Chronicle. The College has received permission to post all Centralia College- and murals-related Chronicle articles for educational and nonprofit use only.

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