2001 11-10, Centralia Gained Bloody Notoriety 82 Years Ago: some say Armistice Day tragedy is wound that was never allowed To heal

Material Information

2001 11-10, Centralia Gained Bloody Notoriety 82 Years Ago: some say Armistice Day tragedy is wound that was never allowed To heal
Mittge, Brian ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
The first in a series of articles from The Chronicle commemorating the 82nd anniversary of the massacre. This article details the deadly and controversial events of November 11, 1919.
Chronicle (The), November 10, 2001

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright The Chronicle. The College has received permission to post all Centralia College- and murals-related Chronicle articles for educational and nonprofit use only.

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