2001 11-13, Sealed Tapes Reveal Story of Tragedy / Centralia Women Share Memories

Material Information

2001 11-13, Sealed Tapes Reveal Story of Tragedy / Centralia Women Share Memories
Mittge, Brian ( Author )
Graham, Julie M. ( Author )
Publication Date:


General Note:
In the third of a series of articles commemorating the 1919 massacre, the Chronicle published the back story and excerpts from sealed, taped interviews with brothers Don and Jim Barner, and friend Bob Leatherwood recorded sometime around 1991. Two women, Nola Campbell who was a high school student at the time of the massacre, and Sylvia Brown, who saw Wesley Everest's body hanging from the Mellen Street Bridge on her walk home from school relate their stories.
Chronicle (The), November 13, 2001

Record Information

Source Institution:
Centralia College
Holding Location:
Centralia College
Rights Management:
Copyright The Chronicle. The College has received permission to post all Centralia College- and murals-related Chronicle articles for educational and nonprofit use only.

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