No. Title Date
1 View of Tower Avenue (circa 1900)
2 IWW Credentials
3 Slain American Legionnaires
4 Wesley Everest
5 Bert Faulkner
6 Tom Lassiter
7 Eugene Pfitzer
8 Police Station in 1919
9 Downtown Centralia - Flood of 1919
10 Burial of Wesley Everest
11 Roderick Hotel Register
12 Armistice Day Parade - November 11, 1919
13 Removing Wesley Everest's Body
14 Warren Grimm's Funeral
15 The Parade Begins
16 Roderick Hotel after the Tragedy
17 Newspaper reporters cover the Centralia trial
18 Leaving the Courthouse
19 Judge Wilson on the Bench
20 C.D. Cunningham Surveys the Court