Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus

Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus  

Creator: Koenninger, Tom ( Author )
Publication Date: 1/16/1971
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: Centralia College
Holding Location: Centralia College
Subject Keyword:  College History
Genre: image
Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus
Changes to appear soon on the Centralia Campus

Changes to appear soon on the Centralia Campus  

Creator: Koenninger, Tom ( Author )
Publication Date: 1/16/1971
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: Centralia College
Holding Location: Centralia College
Subject Keyword:  Campus Grounds
College History
Genre: image
Changes to appear soon on the Centralia Campus
Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus

Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus  

Creator: Koenninger, Tom ( Author )
Publication Date: 1/16/1971
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: Centralia College
Holding Location: Centralia College
Subject Keyword:  Campus Grounds
College History
Genre: image
Changes to appear soon on the Centralia campus