No. Title Date
1 "The Twelve Labors of Hercules": a campus forum to discuss the possible acquisition of "The Twelve Labors of Hercules" murals by Michael Spafford, Professor of Art, University of Washington
2 "Wanna bet on how long the new murals last in the Senate, even though they haven't come under as much criticism as those in the House?"
3 1919 Trouble (The)
4 1969 11-10 Two Centralians Recall Tragedy of 1919 Armistice Day
5 1969 11-22 More About the 1919 Mess - Letter to the Editor
6 1976 11-11 Centralia's Day of Infamy 57 Year Ago
7 1979 11-20, A Victim of 1919 I.W.W. Tragedy
8 1980 11-15 Centralia Massacre (The), 1919: Wobblies Were Ready for Attack
9 1981 02-20, Nov. 11, 1919: Memory Lives (The)
10 1981 03-20 Old Time Wobbly Full of Fire and Hope at 91: That Bright New World Heart's Desire Still Shines
11 1981 05-24 Union Radicals Defended in 60-year old Murder Case: They Were Framed
12 1981 11-06, Since 1898: Lewis County Men Have Served With Distinction / Centralia Massacre: A Personal Account
13 1984 11-10 Centralia Massacre: John Williams Says He Watched Wobbly Incident on Tower Avenue as 8-Year Old
14 1989 03-12 Mobility and Radicalism: Progress is Mixed with Conflict as the Nation Steps Onto the World Stage
15 1989 11-22 Centralia's Secret: For 70 Years Townsfolk Have Been Quiet About the Armstice Day Massacre
16 1999 11-11 That Terrible Day: Centralia, 1919
17 2001 11-10, Centralia Gained Bloody Notoriety 82 Years Ago; some say Armistice Day tragedy is wound that was never allowed to heal
18 2001 11-13, Sealed Tapes Reveal Story of Tragedy / Centralia Women Share Memories
19 2001 11-14, 1919 Still Alive for Unions / Modern-Day Wobblies Still Working for Workers
20 2001 11-15, Tragedy Series Touches a Nerve / Event So Controversial, Name Disputed