No. Title Date
1 1982 Centralia College Deans
2 1982 College Deans
3 1988 Distinguished Alumnus Gary Justice
4 1993-94 Scholarship Night
5 1995-96 ASB President Gabrielle Johnstone
6 20060920001 - Centralia College Presents $250,000 Check to Centralia School District
7 20061117004 - Celebrating 50 Years of Centralia College - Unveiling the Dedication Sign
8 20070710018 - A Proud Heritage - A Dynamic Future
9 20070710019 - A Proud Heritage - A Dynamic Future
10 20070710020 - A Proud Heritage - A Dynamic Future
11 20070730024 - Journey to Excellence
12 20070731003 - Meeting With the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
13 20070731004 - Meeting With the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
14 20070731006 - Meeting With the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
15 20070731009 - Meeting With the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
16 20070731029 - ASB Officers Visit the State Capitol
17 20070731032 - ASB Officers Visit the State Capitol
18 20070731033 - ASB Officers Visit the State Capitol
19 20070731034 - ASB Officers Visit the State Capitol
20 20070731035 - ASB Officers Visit the State Capitol