No. Title Date
1 "The Teahouse of the August Moon"
2 "The Teahouse of the August Moon" Rehearsal
3 20070503003 - Students Bag Classes to Sandbag
4 20070717030 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon" Rehearsal
5 20070717031 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon" Rehearsal
6 20070717032 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon" Rehearsal
7 20070717033 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon" Rehearsal
8 20070717035 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon"
9 20070717036 - "The Teahouse of the August Moon"
10 20070719034 - Students Bag Classes to Sandbag
11 20070719035 - Students Bag Classes to Sandbag
12 20070724006 - Geology Field Trip
13 20070724022 - Geology Field Trip
14 20070724023 - Geology Field Trip
15 Business students headed for conference
16 Centralia College students tour hotbed of electronics
17 College Cambridge program features botany, literature
18 College personnel offer services as speakers
19 College plans Wonderland Trail hike
20 College staffers take time to learn "Habits of Highly Effective People"