No. Title Date
1 Altrusa donation honors Lingreen, sets up college grant in club's name
2 Answer challenge to assist college
3 CC chosen for projects
4 Centralia College gets money from timber firm
5 Centralia College launches drive for volunteer program
6 Centralia College recipient of grant
7 College among picks for leadership project
8 College council receives dollars
9 College foundation gives out grants
10 College gets federal grant of $500,000
11 College misses meeting quotas
12 College obtains federal money
13 College offers program
14 College official urges GI benefits extension
15 College plans $3.5 million structure west of campus
16 College receives $2.4 million grant
17 College receives Rainier Bank grant
18 College seeking additional grants to train workers.
19 College staff guides new students
20 College staff to get pay boost