No. Title Date
1 additional funds received for college fine arts unit
2 Altrusa donation honors Lingreen, sets up college grant in club's name
3 Approval of college budget creates new softball squad
4 Budget outlook pleasing to Kirk
5 By College Old HS Site Purchased
6 CC board hears about foundation and budgets
7 Centralia CC Tuition Upped
8 Centralia College cut would be a tragedy
9 Centralia College Given Final Approval to Proceed with Two-Campus Plans
10 Centralia College group needs to raise $25,000
11 Centralia College women want bigger share of athletic budget
12 Centralia hosts college leaders
13 College averts cutting faculty
14 College budget costs may bring end to 'Open door' admissions
15 College building set for inspection
16 College Campaign benefits from Chehalis Legion post
17 College council receives dollars
18 College day-care center approved
19 College directors consider role in helping prep pupils
20 College drive obtains money