No. Title Date
1 Approval of college budget creates new softball squad
2 Budget cuts for real at CC
3 Budget outlook pleasing to Kirk
4 CC board hears about foundation and budgets
5 Centralia college feels budget crunch; early registration recommended
6 Centralia College women want bigger share of athletic budget
7 College (June 10, 1994)
8 College administrators get pay raises
9 College adopts budget minus OVTI increase
10 College averts cutting faculty
11 College Budget
12 College budget costs may bring end to 'Open door' admissions
13 College budget has salary for 5 new teachers
14 College cut plan approved
15 College District Budget Cuts Examined
16 College district likely to avoid cutting classes
17 College District may file suit to permit additional enrollment
18 College district prepares to face revenue shortfall
19 College estimates leave few adjustments needed
20 College eyes 10 percent budget cut