No. Title Date
1 Entrance to Centralia High School 20080513001 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
2 Nearing Completion 20080515004 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
3 Pouring Begins 20080515003 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
4 Faculty 20080513002 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
5 New Gymnasium 20080515001 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
6 Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
7 Faculty 20080513003 - Construction of the New Gymnasium in 1937
8 Centralia High School in 1940
9 Centralia School District Board Members
10 Memories of Yesteryears
11 Upholstery Class
12 Upholstery Class
13 Upholstery Class
14 High School Industrial Arts & Agriculture Building
15 Jacque Evans at Centralia High School
16 Electronics Building
17 Commencement Ceremonies - Graduates
18 Receiving the Diploma
19 20080131001 - Centralia College Heritage Project
20 20080130018 - Centralia College Heritage Project