No. Title Date
1 18 months without pact worry faculty members
2 The battle isn't over on District 12 split
3 Board clears college paper.
4 Board hears plans for center, mall
5 Brister: County aroused by college issue
6 Campus Breakfast
7 Campus buildings may be renamed
8 Carl Hite (plaid shirt), Dale Miller (yellow shirt); Ken Minneart (suit) - Community College District 12 Retreat
9 CC board hears about foundation and budgets
10 CC faculty backs split
11 Centralia College at stake
12 Centralia College Given Final Approval to Proceed with Two-Campus Plans
13 Centralia College revisited -1925-1985
14 Centralia College workers to receive salary increases
15 Chamber opposes split
16 Chamber praised for stand on split
17 Chamber starts letter writing drive to oppose District 12 split
18 Claim split won't cost more is preposterous
19 Coddington gets dean position
20 College administrator to resign