No. Title Date
1 "For heaven's sake, give the 'Twelve Labors of Hercules' murals to Centralia College!..."
2 "So, to the dismay of the state's art crowd and the fawning Seattle media, those crummy murals on the walls of the state House chamber are finally going to come down..."
3 "Wanna bet on how long the new murals last in the Senate, even though they haven't come under as much criticism as those in the House?"
4 Belaboring "Hercules": Helms flap and speaker's stance keep those legislative murals in place
5 Capitol junk 'art' case comes to court
6 CC could have gotten murals for free
7 College should get controversial murals
8 For heaven's sake, give murals to Centralia!
9 Hercules fails the 13th labor
10 Hercules will labor in public, if only briefly
11 Item: A King County judge says the legislature can take down the much disputed [Mason] murals .....
12 Let Centralia have 12 Labors of Hercules
13 More on 'Labors of Hercules'
14 No art critic! Stick to writing, Adele; those murals in the House are great, says reader
15 Putting perspective into the murals flap
16 Unloved murals almost unloaded
17 Up against the wall