No. Title Date
1 Difficult options confront college
2 Old building blazes a trail to new location at college
3 Murals may come to college
4 Kirk makes pitch for murals
5 College sets up mural stance
6 College to finish parking lot
7 Centralia College awaits determination of murals' fate
8 College forbids drugs
9 College seeking different murals
10 Centralia College educators talk with mural artist, agent
11 College trustees oppose salary disparity proposal
12 State board to get college wish list
13 College hopes to help citizens prepare for '90s changes
14 College campus to get fresh appearance during 1990s
15 Centralia College teacher earns national recognition
16 Former college dean amazed at Centralia school's growth
17 Parking panel proposes college campus options
18 College misses meeting quotas
19 Approval of college budget creates new softball squad
20 Murals hearing set for July 13