No. Title Date
1 CC could have gotten murals for free
2 Up against the wall
3 "Wanna bet on how long the new murals last in the Senate, even though they haven't come under as much criticism as those in the House?"
4 Unloved murals almost unloaded
5 Hercules fails the 13th labor
6 Putting perspective into the murals flap
7 Capitol junk 'art' case comes to court
8 Item: A King County judge says the legislature can take down the much disputed [Mason] murals .....
9 Hercules will labor in public, if only briefly
10 For heaven's sake, give murals to Centralia!
11 Let Centralia have 12 Labors of Hercules
12 Belaboring "Hercules": Helms flap and speaker's stance keep those legislative murals in place
13 No art critic! Stick to writing, Adele; those murals in the House are great, says reader
14 More on 'Labors of Hercules'
15 "So, to the dismay of the state's art crowd and the fawning Seattle media, those crummy murals on the walls of the state House chamber are finally going to come down..."
16 College should get controversial murals
17 "For heaven's sake, give the 'Twelve Labors of Hercules' murals to Centralia College!..."