No. Title Date
1 Approval of college budget creates new softball squad
2 Centralia College awaits determination of murals' fate
3 Centralia College educators talk with mural artist, agent
4 Centralia College students to get help from machine
5 Centralia College teacher earns national recognition
6 College campus to get fresh appearance during 1990s
7 College forbids drugs
8 College gets second mural
9 College gets second mural section
10 College hopes to help citizens prepare for '90s changes
11 College may start $5 fine for violations on parking
12 College misses meeting quotas
13 College officials pleased with enrollment increase
14 College president against I-602
15 College program's outlook cloudy
16 College receives improved marks on audits, hiring
17 College seeking different murals
18 College sets up mural stance
19 College tested
20 College to finish parking lot