No. Title Date
1 1981 08-14, Watt - He Survived Armistice Day Attack
2 1984 11-10 Centralia Massacre: John Williams Says He Watched Wobbly Incident on Tower Avenue as 8-Year Old
3 Budget cuts for real at CC
4 Centralia College: 'Something old...something new' and what's new is the president
5 College administrators get pay raises
6 College administrators schedule two surveys
7 College board looks at future
8 College cut plan approved
9 College cut plan approved
10 College faculty divided on split
11 College faculty to receive ballots on District 12 split
12 College music teacher has seen the 'big time'
13 College split bill dead, or just in hibernation?
14 College teachers express concern
15 Committee faces deadline on bill to divide District 12
16 Honoree lauds CC faculty of 50's
17 Is college district top-heavy?
18 Kreidler reading amendment for bill to divide college district
19 Kreidler to push district-split bill
20 Major cuts approved for Centralia College